If you suffer from jaw pain and headaches, you are not alone. Temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJD) is a common condition that can manifest in numerous ways and is categorized from mild to severe depending on your symptoms.

Patients diagnosed with TMJ often have risk factors like stress, family history, prescription medication, dehydration, and chronic grinding/clenching of teeth. If you have a risk factor and experience pain when opening and closing your mouth or clicking noises, it is best to reach out to your dentist for help.

Other common signs you may be suffering from TMJ include:

  • Chronic headaches
  • Painful eating
  • Lock jaw
  • Ear ringing
  • Neck pain
  • Clenching and grinding teeth while sleeping

A dentist can help manage your TMJ depending on your symptoms. One of the first important things they will do is take a detailed medical and dental history to rule out any causes that can be attributed to the jaw pain. Some will take advanced dental imaging like a panoramic or Cone Beam x-ray to determine the severity of the TMJ.

Treatment for TMJ will vary. Here are some of the most common types of treatment for TMJ and how it can help manage your pain and symptoms.

Conservative Treatment

Dentists recommend ruling out lifestyle habits that can contribute to jaw pain. Try to avoid habits like chewing on pens, gum chewing, or nail biting.

Refrain from eating hard and sticky foods that make it more difficult to chew. Limit opening your mouth too wide when eating, singing, or yawning.

Use a warm compress to the painful areas to help relax your muscles.

If you have a clenching issue, your dentist can make a custom fit mouthguard to help reduce stress on your joints and muscles that contribute to jaw pain.

Medications like an anti-inflammatory pain reliever or muscle relaxer may be prescribed to help manage the pain.


Physical therapy is a great way to help strengthen your muscles that are affected by TMJ. Exercises like jaw stretching or tongue stretching can help alleviate pain, relax jaw muscles, and increase range of motion.

Orthodontics is sometimes recommended if your jaw is misaligned and is needed to correct the bite. When there is a malocclusion, it can cause stress on the jaw and joints because there is damage to the cartilage and disc.

If the severity of TMJ is affecting your quality of life, your dentist may recommend steroid injection or Botox to relax your muscles.


If TMJ is severe and not relieved by more conservative treatment, surgical procedures like an arthrocentesis may be performed. It is a treatment to correct the cartilage to its original position and the patient's jaw is aligned. Additional scar tissue is removed to allow for better healing.

While there is usually no single cause for TMJ, many people experience the condition because of trauma, stress, or misaligned teeth. Dentists can look at your entire health profile to determine the right course of action for you.